Name Description Source Use
APPLICANT_MEDICAL_SCHOOL_DISTANCES Derived by the GMC using Google API and postcodes in the UCAS data. Derived from UCAS by GMC UKMED
APPLICATION_LIVE This table contains applications to the register held in the GMC database. GMC Register GMC
ARCP_COVID This table records the supplementary C-codes used to when recording COVID ARCP outcomes. More information is available on the COPMeD website. GMC annual quality assurance collection please see GMC QA ARCP Postgraduate Outcomes - progression reports UKMED
ARCP_NCODE This table contains the N codes which describe the reasons for not having an ARCP outcome recorded in a given reporting year. These are detailed on the Gold Guide ARCP form here. GMC annual quality assurance collection please see GMC QA ARCP Postgraduate Outcomes - progression reports UKMED
ARCP_OUTCOMES Each year, Local Education Training Boards (LETBs) and deaneries provide the GMC with ARCP (Annual Review of Competence Progression) data that describes trainees' progression (or not) through their medical training.

A trainee may have more than one ARCP record in the annual submission, as an outcome is awarded for each specialty undertaken by the trainee. A trainee may also have more than one ARCP event per year (e.g. some core programmes rotate every eight months, so a trainee could potentially have 2 ARCPs in a given reporting year). Some trainees receive an outcome 5 (insufficient evidence); followed by another outcome upon presentation of the evidence in the same year.

The data collection notices that the GMC issues for this data collection are available here arranged by data collection year.

We hold ARCP outcomes from reporting year 2010 for specialty trainees and 2013 for foundation trainees. We have worked, and continue to work, with colleagues in deaneries to improve data quality.

GMC annual quality assurance collection please see GMC QA ARCP Postgraduate Outcomes - progression reports UKMED
ARCP_REASON This table contains the U codes which describe the reasons for an unsatisfactory outcome. The U codes are detailed here. GMC annual quality assurance collection please see GMC QA ARCP Postgraduate Outcomes - progression reports UKMED
BMAT_SCORES_APP UKMED holds BMAT scores for doctors who sat the test between 2003 and 2021.

Two matching processes were used depending on which privacy notice had been displayed to the BMAT candidate BMAT test takers from 2014 onwards who saw a privacy notice that allowed sharing were matched to UCAS data, so for these cases UKMED contains data for applicants to medical school.

For those that sat BMAT prior to 2014 UKMED only contains data from candidates who entered medical school. who meet the following criteria:

  • Graduated and registered with the GMC;
  • GMC were able to contact the individual by email;
  • The doctor did not opt out including their data in UKMED. It was necessary to give people the option of opting out because the privacy notice they saw that stated the data would not be shared. Two rounds of opt out emails have been sent:
    • May 2017: 16,062 doctors were emailed, 277 cases (1.7%) opted out of the transfer.
    • February 2019: 4,576 cases, gf these 64 (1.4%) opted out of the transfer
  • There are still BMAT test takers from prior to 2014 who have not appeared on the GMC’s register, so it has not been possible to send them an opt-out email and load their data.

BMAT scores are valid for courses commencing the year following the test. For example, a 2006 score can be used for courses commencing in 2007. A very small number of candidates may have been given permission to defer their entry for one year by the medical school.

The schools and courses using BMAT vary over time. An applicant would have taken BMAT if they applied to at least one school requiring BMAT. UKMED holds test results for anyone who took BMAT. The student may have gained admission to a medical school that did not require it.

BMAT UKMED Progression report - applicant profile reports with test provider scores.
CGS_SRS This table contains applications for certificate of good standing see for more information here.

A Dr who has requested one of these certificates and cannot be found in VW_UKMED_PRACTICEHISTORY may have left the UK to work abroad.

EXAM_DATA_FLAT This table contains the data from EXAM_TOTAL_MARKS rearranged with one row per person per exam with columns D1 through to D19 for each attempt where D1 is the first attempt held within UKMED. GMC annual quality assurance collection please see GMC QA Progression reports UKMED
EXAM_SECTION_MARKS This table contains:
  1. Exam data collected by the GMC from the medical royal colleges and faculties annually since 1 August 2013. The latest data collection notice can be found here.
  2. Data on The British Pharmacological Society (BPS) and MSC Assessment from 2014 until 2018 supplied to UKMED by the Medical Schools Council. CR_PSA_APPROACH records whether the PSA was formative or summative by medical school and year.
GMC annual quality assurance collection please see GMC QA Progression reports UKMED
EXAM_TOTAL_MARKS This table contains:
  1. Exam data collected by the GMC from the medical royal colleges and faculties annually since 1 August 2013. The latest data collection notice can be found here.
  2. Data on The British Pharmacological Society (BPS) and MSC Assessment from 2014 until 2018 supplied to UKMED by the Medical Schools Council. CR_PSA_APPROACH records whether the PSA was formative or summative by medical school and year.
GMC annual quality assurance collection please see GMC QA Progression reports UKMED
FP The UK Foundation Programme Office (UKFPO) provided extracts of data from the Foundation Programme Application System (FPAS) for all applications received from UK Medical Students from 2012 to 2014; from 2015 onwards, the data also included applications from non-UK PMQ holders. Data from 2017 onwards comes from the ORIEL system.

To understand the process, please see the Applicant handbook.

The GMC hold the applicant guides for earlier years and these are available on request.

UKFPO Applications to foundation training programmes please see here UKMED
GAMSAT_APP UKMED holds GAMSAT data for all applicants matched to UCAS applications from 2007 in addition to data matched to entrants in HESA for those taking GAMSAT for entry from 2005 onwards. This table contains test score for Graduate Medical School Admissions Test (GAMSAT). Please see UKMED
HESA_ACAD_YEARS This table contains one row per instance per subject (defined in SBJCA fields see table below) per year contained within the HESA data. Students have one or two rows of data per year depending on how their course is coded with respect to the subject. For UKMED it will be restricted to cases that commenced their medical degrees between 2002 and 2018 (based on HESA_COMDATE).

Note the following:

Records for students who are recorded on an intercalated year in the INTERCALATE field (from 2013/14) and COURSEAIM/QUALAIM field (2002/03 to 2002/13) if they were also recorded as REGBODY=01 in their previous year of study.

HESA UKMED Progresssion report - predicticting graduates
HESA_QUALIFICATION HESA source data contains a list of the qualifications against every academic year at university (thereby capturing any update or change – over time – to the noted "qualifications upon entry"), we only import the set associated with the earliest instance/academic year, i.e. the qualifications stated to UCAS when they first applied.

While HESA joins qualifications onto an "instancekey", i.e. FK = HUSID + UKPRN + NUMHUS, we derive a 1:1 join between VW_UKMED_PERSON and HESA_QUALIFICATION after matching PERSON_UID on both (unique in both tables). HESA note that institutions are only required to complete qualifications for those who applied via UCAS with Level 3 qualifications who attended a UK institution. Therefore, data are not present for graduate entry students.

Please note, qualifications on entry data were only required for those students entering HE from 2007/08 onwards. As such, earlier years in this item will have far less data than later years.

HESA Superceded by the UCAS qualifications tables
IELTS_LIVE IELTS is the high-stakes English test for study, migration or work. See further details here.

The GMC requires an IELTS certificate in the academic format of the test.

The GMC requires an IELTS certificate from the following groups:

  • Those applying for the PLAB test
  • International medical graduates applying for registration with a licence to practise
  • European doctors applying for registration with a licence to practise
  • Applying for your first licence if you have ever held registration or currently hold registration only

The required IELTS level for PLAB has varied over the years but is currently set at a score of at least 7.0 in each testing area and an overall score of 7.5. Candidates taking PLAB in earlier years may have had lower scores either overall or on subscales. Some PLAB candidates are exempted from the required IELTS level, primarily by demonstrating that their training was at a medical school where the great majority of teaching is in English.

The table also contains Occupational English Test (OET) scores. See further details here.

MMI_UCAS These Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) data were submitted by the following schools. For some schools the MMI is only used for a particular course:
  • Cambridge covering applications between 2015 and 2017
  • Dundee covering applications between 2010 and 2017
  • Edinburgh covering applications between 2014 and 2017
  • Leicester covering applications between 2012 and 2016
  • St Andrews covering applications between 2015 and 2016
  • St George’s covering applications between 2010 and 2017

For a brief description please see An admissions tutor’s perspective on the multiple mini-interview.

Data are held at the level of station: 1 row per station attempt. So, for a given application there are multiple rows of data.

Medical school submissions via spreadsheets UKMED
NTS_2020_SURVEY_DATA Survey data from the the NTS when a non-standard survey was run due to the COVD pandemic. GMC (NTS) UKMED
NTS_BURNOUT_Z_SCORES Table containing calculated burnout scores for responders. NTS surveys from 2018 onwards contain questions surrounding burnout. GMC - National Training Survey NTS, UKMED

Based on the following NTS items

  • OPENQ11 Are you working less than full time?.
  • GENHQ150 Are you formally working on a Less Than Full Time (LTFT) basis, which has been approved by your deanery/LETB?.
    NTS_TRAINEE_IND_SCORES_LIVE This table contains the indicator scores derived from trainees’ responses to the NTS. Details of the indicators are here.

    This table does not contain data from 2020 as the standard survey did not run due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

    ORIEL_INTERVIEW_SCORES This table contains scores from specialty recruitment assessment centres. Data are only available from 2016 onwards. Details of the scoring from the assessment centres have been collated from the Recruitment Operational Group. GMC annual quality assurance collection please see GMC QA ARCP UKMED
    ORIEL_RECRUIT_OUTCOMES This table contains postgraduate recruitment data from Health Education England (HEE) covering recruitment to level 1 (CT1/ ST1) specialty training programmes UK-wide. For 2015 onwards, the data include recruitment data to level (3/4) higher specialty training programmes. Data from 2015 onwards come from the ORIEL system. Earlier data were collated from each of the lead recruiting offices’ systems, see here for more information. GMC annual quality assurance collection please see GMC QA ARCP Progression reports UKMED
    PLAB1_DTL_LIVE PLAB Part 1 is an assessment of medical knowledge in four domains (context, diagnosis, investigation, management). It is a single best answer examination with 200 items of which a small number are removed because of problems in keying or scoring, a typical exam having 197 scored items. The pass mark is set by a variant of the Angoff method and is typically about 125 but has varied in the range 116 to 135.

    From I. C. McManus and R. E. Wakeford (2014) Data linkage comparison of PLAB and UK graduates' performance on MRCP(UK) and MRCGP examinations: Equivalent IMG career progress requires higher PLAB pass-marks. Brit.Med.J. 348 (17th April 2014):g2621.

    Since June 2018 the Part 1 exam has been made up of 180 multiple choice single best answer questions. The pass mark now also includes 1 Standard Error of Measurement (SEM) and is typically about 114-115. On occasions a small number of questions are removed from papers because of problems in keying or scoring.

    The addition of a single SEM to the PLAB part 1 pass mark had been recommended by the PLAB Review Panel as “a reasonable compromise between the risk of false positives for patients and the consequences of failure for the slightly raised number of false positives”.

    The exam covers the common, important or acute conditions (those common in emergency departments) seen by trainees entering the second year of the Foundation Programme (F2), and the management of long-term conditions seen in primary care. It excludes the advanced duties of a general practitioner (GP).

    See futher information here.

    Data from 30/05/2001 onwards are included.

    GMC annual quality assurance collection please see GMC PLAB Progression reports UKMED
    PLAB2_DTL_LIVE PLAB Part 2 is an objective structured clinical exam (OSCE). Before June 2016 candidates were assessed on 15 stations one of which is a non-scoring pilot station. From June 2016 this was increased to 18 stations, all are scored. Data are on row per station.

    See here for information on the current version of PLAB2.

    Data from 13/06/2001 are available.

    GMC annual quality assurance collection please see GMC PLAB Progression reports UKMED
    PLAB_TOTAL_LIVE This table contains the overall scores for all candidates’ PLAB attempts at PLAB 1 (from 20/10/1997 onwards) and PLAB 2 (from 16/04/1998 onwards). These data come from the main GMC database (Siebel), more detailed data in PLAB1_DTL_LIVE and PLAB2_DTL_LIVE come from the examination specific databases which have changed over time. GMC annual quality assurance collection please see GMC PLAB Progression reports UKMED
    RECRUIT_MSRA This table contains applicants’ scores on the Multi-Specialty Recruitment Assessment (MSRA) described in more detail here:

    Scores are available for the following specialties and application years:

    • General practice 2015 onwards
    • Ophthalmology' 2015 onwards
    • Core Psychiatry Training 2015 onwards
    • Clinical radiology 2016 onwards
    • Neurosurgery 2016 onwards
    • Obstetrics and gynaecology 2016 onwards
    • Community Sexual and Reproductive Health 2016 onwards
    From the HEE GP recuitment office who receive the data from Work Psychology Group UKMED
    ROD_01 These data were supplied by Durham Medical School under the researcher own data process (See further details here. . It will be available to other researchers once Durham Medical School have completed their project.

    The table contains Conscientiousness Index data gathered on first and second year MBBS students at Durham University. The data comprise an Index score for year 1 and year 2 for students starting in Durham from 2006 to 2014 (N = 859).

    McLachlan JC1, Finn G, Macnaughton J Academic Medicine. 2009 May;84(5):559-65. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e31819fb7ff. The conscientiousness index: a novel tool to explore students' professionalism.

    Durham Medical School UKMED
    UCAS_APPLICATIONS This table contains one row per application to a medical school from any applicant who applied to a degree leading to a primary medical qualification from 2007 to 2018. In each application cycle there are typically four applications to medical schools. Data are supplied by The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS).

    Age on application is calculated in different ways as per the table below to reflect the UCAS methodology.

    “This statistical release uses country-specific age definitions which align with the cut off points for school/college cohorts within the different administrations of the UK. For England and Wales ages are defined on the 31 August, for Northern Ireland on the 1 July and for Scotland on the 28 February the following year. Defining ages in this way matches the assignment of children to school cohorts. “

    For applicants outside of the UK the cohort cut off for England and Wales has been used.

    See further details here.
    UCAS Progression reports UKMED

    The GCES reported in UCAS_QUAL_DEC for the last application made for the applicant were obtained.

    These were score following the methodology detailed in

    McManus, I.C. and Dewberry, Chris and Nicholson, S. and Dowell, J.S. (2013) The UKCAT-12 study: educational attainment, aptitude test performance, demographic and socio-economic contextual factors as predictors of first year outcome in a cross-sectional collaborative study of 12 UK medical schools. BMC Medicine 11 (1), p. 244. ISSN 1741-7015.>

    McManus IC, Dewberry C, Nicholson S, Dowell J: The UKCAT-12 Study: Technical Report. 2012, UKCAT Consortium: Nottingham>

    Data aggregated to person level to give one row of data person.

    UCAS Progression reports UKMED

    The GCES reported in UCAS_QUAL_DEC for the first application made for the applicant were obtained.

    These were scored following the methodology detailed in

    McManus, I.C. and Dewberry, Chris and Nicholson, S. and Dowell, J.S. (2013) The UKCAT-12 study: educational attainment, aptitude test performance, demographic and socio-economic contextual factors as predictors of first year outcome in a cross-sectional collaborative study of 12 UK medical schools. BMC Medicine 11 (1), p. 244. ISSN 1741-7015.>

    McManus IC, Dewberry C, Nicholson S, Dowell J: The UKCAT-12 Study: Technical Report. 2012, UKCAT Consortium: Nottingham>

    Data aggregated to person level to give one row of data per person.

    UCAS Progression reports UKMED

    Level 3 qualifications such as A-levels reported in UCAS_QUAL_DEC for the last application made for the applicant were obtained.

    These were scored following the methodology detailed in

    McManus, I.C. and Dewberry, Chris and Nicholson, S. and Dowell, J.S. (2013) The UKCAT-12 study: educational attainment, aptitude test performance, demographic and socio-economic contextual factors as predictors of first year outcome in a cross-sectional collaborative study of 12 UK medical schools. BMC Medicine 11 (1), p. 244. ISSN 1741-7015.>

    McManus IC, Dewberry C, Nicholson S, Dowell J: The UKCAT-12 Study: Technical Report. 2012, UKCAT Consortium: Nottingham>

    Data aggregated to person level to give one row of data per person.

    UCAS Progression reports UKMED

    Level 3 qualifications such as A-levels in UCAS_QUAL_VER for the last application made for the applicant were obtained.

    These were scored following the methodology detailed in

    These were score following the methodology detailed in

    McManus, I.C. and Dewberry, Chris and Nicholson, S. and Dowell, J.S. (2013) The UKCAT-12 study: educational attainment, aptitude test performance, demographic and socio-economic contextual factors as predictors of first year outcome in a cross-sectional collaborative study of 12 UK medical schools. BMC Medicine 11 (1), p. 244. ISSN 1741-7015.>

    McManus IC, Dewberry C, Nicholson S, Dowell J: The UKCAT-12 Study: Technical Report. 2012, UKCAT Consortium: Nottingham>

    Data aggregated to person level to give one row of data person.

    UCAS Progression reports UKMED

    Level 3 qualifications such as A-levels reported in UCAS_QUAL_DEC for the first application made for the applicant were obtained.

    These were scored following the methodology detailed in

    McManus, I.C. and Dewberry, Chris and Nicholson, S. and Dowell, J.S. (2013) The UKCAT-12 study: educational attainment, aptitude test performance, demographic and socio-economic contextual factors as predictors of first year outcome in a cross-sectional collaborative study of 12 UK medical schools. BMC Medicine 11 (1), p. 244. ISSN 1741-7015.>

    McManus IC, Dewberry C, Nicholson S, Dowell J: The UKCAT-12 Study: Technical Report. 2012, UKCAT Consortium: Nottingham>

    Data aggregated to person level to give one row of data per person.

    UCAS Progression reports UKMED

    Level 3 qualifications such as A-levels reported in UCAS_QUAL_VER for the first application made for the applicant were obtained.

    These were scored following the methodology detailed in

    McManus, I.C. and Dewberry, Chris and Nicholson, S. and Dowell, J.S. (2013) The UKCAT-12 study: educational attainment, aptitude test performance, demographic and socio-economic contextual factors as predictors of first year outcome in a cross-sectional collaborative study of 12 UK medical schools. BMC Medicine 11 (1), p. 244. ISSN 1741-7015.>

    McManus IC, Dewberry C, Nicholson S, Dowell J: The UKCAT-12 Study: Technical Report. 2012, UKCAT Consortium: Nottingham>

    Data aggregated to person level to give one row of data per person.

    UCAS Progression reports UKMED
    UCAS_QUALS_DEC A qualification level dataset containing all qualifications from applicants to the UCAS undergraduate scheme who are present in UCAS extract. These qualifications were declared by the applicant during their application. It includes predicted and achieved qualifications. This table includes all qualifications declared and so include GCSEs. UCAS UCAS
    UCAS_QUALS_VER A qualification level table containing all qualifications from applicants to the UCAS undergraduate scheme who are present in the UCAS extract. These qualifications were verified to UCAS by the Awarding Body Linkage. UCAS UCAS
    UKCAT_PROGRESSION This table contains progression data collected by the UKCAT consortium. Data for the following medical schools are included:
    • Aberdeen
    • Barts
    • Brighton and Sussex
    • Dundee
    • Edinburgh
    • Hull York
    • Leicester
    • Manchester
    • Norwich
    • Nottingham
    • Peninsula
    • Sheffield
    • St Andrews
    • St George's

    The data are described in more detail in The UKCAT-12 study - McManus, I.C. and Dewberry, Chris and Nicholson, S. and Dowell, J.S. (2013) The UKCAT-12 study: educational attainment, aptitude test performance, demographic and socio-economic contextual factors as predictors of first year outcome in a cross-sectional collaborative study of 12 UK medical schools. BMC Medicine 11 (1), p. 244. ISSN 1741-7015.>

    UKMED_ACADEMIC_FUNDER_TRAINEE This table details the source of funding for academic trainees. Collected by MSC with funders submitting to the GMC. UKMED
    UKMED_GEOGRAPHY This table contains attributes that are about a PERSON and are derived from reference tables that link to the person via their postcode on application to medical school. It contains the geographical data for all cases provided by HESA. Geographical data for applicants are in VW_UKMED_PERSON_APPLICANT. HESA UKMED
    UKMED_NTS_BURNOUT This table contains the responses to burnout questions by NTS responders from 2018 onwards. GMC - National Training Survey NTS, UKMED
    VW_FP_PERSON This table contains the data from the FP table arranged so that each case only has one row of data with columns for each application year. There are additional columns containing derived scores as described below. UKFPO/ORIEL UKMED
    VW_GP_ROUTE The route by which the Dr joined the GP register. See further details here.

    Applications have been stored in the GMC’s database (Siebel) from 2007 onwards and specialist applications (CCT, CEGPR, CEGPR with Registration, CESR, CESR with Registration and Combined Programme) stored in Siebel from March 2011. Therefore, specialty route prior to March 2011 will not be complete.

    VW_HESA_ACAD_YEAR_PERSON This table contains one row per student with a set of columns for each year of data in HESA_ACAD_YEARS, where “_YR1” refers to the first ACYEAR for that case and so on. It contains a cleaned version of HESA_RSNEND for each year:

    Where if the student returned the following year, RSNEND for the given year is recoded to “Returned following year RSNEND ignored “. These data anomalies occur because providers report to HESA before the conclusion of some appeals.

    VW_NTS_INTENTIONS Includes data from the NTS items asking respondents about their career intentions:
    • GENHQ142 Which of the following best describes what you see yourself doing one year from now? (please select one option only)
      • Continuing my training or working as a consultant/GP
      • Continuing my training or working as a consultant/GP but changing specialties
      • Obtaining a service post (i.e. working as a doctor but not in a training programme)
      • Working as a locum
      • Working as a doctor outside the NHS (i.e. private practice)
      • Working as a doctor outside the UK (permanently)
      • Working as a doctor outside the UK (temporarily)
      • Taking a career break
      • Leaving medicine permanently
      • Undecided
      • Other
    • GENHQ144 Thinking about the answer you gave to the previous question, please indicate which of the following are important to you in making your plans for the future? (please select as many as apply)
      • Desire to take a career break
      • Financial gains
      • Intellectual stimulation
      • Preference to work in a particular part of the UK
      • The fit between my skills/personality and the specialty
      • Wanting to gain further experience before making a decision
      • Work/life balance
      • Recover from working during the Covid-19 pandemic
      • Needing to make up the clinical experience lost due to the Covid-19 pandemic
      • To consider a change in speciality after working during the Covid-19 pandemic
      • Other
    • UKMEDQ101 Upon completion of the foundation programme, which specialty for further training (or other option) do you currently expect to be your first choice? Please select one option only.
      • Anaesthetics (core or ACCS)
      • Core medical training
      • Surgical training (core surgical training or surgical specialty started at ST1)
      • Emergency Medicine
      • (including ACCS - Emergency Medicine)
    • ACCS - Intensive Care Medicine
    • General Practice
    • Obstetrics and gynaecology
    • Ophthalmology
    • Paediatrics
    • Pathology specialties
    • Psychiatry
    • Public Health
    • Radiology
    • Academic Clinical Fellowship
    • Undecided (still considering between specialties)
    • I intend to leave or take a break from training - branches to UKMEDQ104
  • UKMEDQ103 Thinking about the answer you gave in the previous question, please indicate which of the following was important in deciding your first choice of specialty. Please select as many as apply.
    • Advice from seniors/consultants
    • Financial rewards associated with specialty
    • Intellectual challenge of specialty
    • Good work/life balance in specialty
    • Prestige associated with specialty
    • The continuity of patient care provided in the specialty
    • Geographical location of available posts in specialty
    • Positive experience in clinical posting in specialty
    • My skill set is well suited to the specialty
    • My personality is well suited to the specialty
  • UKMEDQ104 Which of the following best describes what you intend to do after you leave the foundation programme? Please select one option only.
    • Obtain a service post - i.e. work as a doctor but not in a training programme
    • Take a career break i.e. return to practise medicine in the future
    • Work as a doctor outside the UK (permanently)
    • Work as a doctor outside the UK (temporarily)
    • Leave medicine permanently
    • Other
    VW_NTS_TRAINEE_HISTORY These data are collected from LETBs and deaneries to administer the National Training Survey. The collection notices are organised by year here.

    For each year see Briefing Note 2: data collection and survey timeline.

    In addition to data available from 2012 when the survey was administered using GMC systems, a reduced data set is available for years 2009 to 2011. 2009 to 2011 data also contain the information required to administer the survey, but not the entire population only those who responded to the survey (response rates were 85% [2009], 87.5% [2010] and 87% [2011]). More information on the historic data is available on request.

    Data from the 2020 NTS census are included here. However, unlike 2012 through to 2019, these data were not validated by the trainees when responding the survey, as due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic the survey did not run using these data. A separate survey was run later in the year, as captured in NTS_2020_SURVEY_DATA.

    The table is also available in wide-format with one row per person and columns for each year. The wide version is called VW_NTS_TRAINEE_WIDE.


    This table contains data found in VW_NTS_TRAINEE_HISTORY with one row per person and columns for each year.

    The data is collected from LETBs and deaneries to administer the National Training Survey. The collection notices are organised by year here.

    For each year see Briefing Note 2: data collection and survey timeline.

    In addition to data available from 2012 when the survey was administered using GMC systems, a reduced data set is available for years 2009 to 2011. 2009 to 2011 data also contain the information required to administer the survey, but not the entire population only those who responded to the survey (response rates were 85% [2009], 87.5% [2010] and 87% [2011]). More information on the historic data is available on request.

    Data from the 2020 NTS census are included here. However, unlike 2012 through to 2019, these data were not validated by the trainees when responding the survey, as due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic the survey did not run using these data. A separate survey was run later in the year, as captured in NTS_2020_SURVEY_DATA.

    VW_PLAB1_TOTAL_FLAT This table contains PLAB1 data from PLAB_TOTAL_LIVE arranged with one row per person with columns for each attempt D1 through to D35, where D1 is the first attempt held within UKMED. GMC annual quality assurance collection please see GMC PLAB Progression reports UKMED
    VW_PLAB2_TOTAL_FLAT This table contains PLAB2 data from PLAB_TOTAL_LIVE arranged with one row per person with columns for each attempt D1 through to D15, where D1 is the first attempt held within UKMED. GMC annual quality assurance collection please see GMC PLAB Progression reports UKMED
    VW_SPEC_ROUTE The route by which the Dr joined the specialist register. See here for further information.

    Applications have been stored in the GMC’s database (Siebel) from 2007 onwards and specialist applications (CCT, CEGPR, CEGPR with Registration, CESR, CESR with Registration and Combined Programme) stored in Siebel from March 2011. Therefore, specialty route prior to March 2011 will not be complete.


    This table contains flattened version of the data contained in VW_SPEC_ROUTE, with one row per person and columns for each application D1 through to D5, where D1 is the first application.

    See here for information on the Specialist register.

    Applications have been stored in the GMC’s database (Siebel) from 2007 onwards and specialist applications (CCT, CEGPR, CEGPR with Registration, CESR, CESR with Registration and Combined Programme) stored in Siebel from March 2011. Therefore, specialty route prior to March 2011 will not be complete.

    VW_STUDENT_FTP_ALL_YEARS This table contains data on Student Fitness to Practice incidents. There are rows per student, per incident. There may be multiple rows for one student where the student has multiple separate FtP incidents. GMC UKMED
    VW_UKCAT_RESULTS_APP UKMED hold UKCAT data for all cases for whom we could obtain a match to medical school applicants as listed in the UCAS data or a match to medical school entrants as listed in the HESA data.

    Prior to 2019 the UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test) was known as the UKCAT. Whilst the name has changed, the test content remains the same. As these tables contain historic data, we are still using the acronym UKCAT.

    VW_UKCAT_RESULTS_NONCOG These tests were piloted in from 2007 to 2010 inclusive and are not presented in other years. UCAT UKMED
    VW_UKMED_ALLEGATIONS VW_UKMED_ALLEGATIONS is a View of the existing Allegations table.

    Allegation records are only included in the view where:

    Case number is in VW_UKMED_FTP_SUMMARY


    Investigation Outcome is either ‘Warning’ or ‘Undertaking’


    Adjudication Outcome is ‘Proven’.

    VW_UKMED_COMPLETION Currently it is difficult to easily find out whether a student in VW_UKMED_PERSON_FULL successfully completed their PMQ from the same medical school the student first matriculated at. It is not possible to use GMC Siebel data alone to define successful completion as the PMQ may have been awarded by an institution other than the medical school the student was first admitted to. It is not possible to define successful completion using the HESA data as some students as there some cases in the data who have been awarded a PMQ, but are not recorded as successfully completing by HESA. GMC, HESA UKMED
    VW_UKMED_DISABILITY_AUDIT This tables records changes to the disability values held in Siebel. It records changes from 9th July 2020 onwards. HESA UKMED
    VW_UKMED_FTPCHARDECLARATIONS VW_UKMED_FTPCHARDECLARATIONS is a view of the FTPCHARDECLARIONS table. It only includes declarations relating to persons in the VW_UKMED_PERSON view.

    This FTPCHARDECLARATIONS table contains character declarations as provided by doctors during applications.

    Inclusion criteria

    Only ‘Positive’ responses are included (i.e. where someone has declared ‘yes’ to one of the declarations). The data captured on application to the register is described here.

    In Siebel, the wording of the declaration questions has evolved over time, however within Siebel each question revision is a unique item. To ease reporting in Agora, an ETL mapping is used to group the declarations into categories, contained here as DECLARATION_TYPE.

    VW_UKMED_FTP_SUMMARY VW_FTP_SUMMARY is a view of an existing view that summarises the complex fitness to practise structure into a flat table, and only where the CASE_OUTCOME is either ‘Sanctions applied at a Hearing’ or ‘Sanctions applied without a Hearing’. GMC UKMED
    VW_UKMED_PERSON_APPLICANT This table combines the following:
    • Demographic data from UCAS
    • Demographic data from the UKCAT registration form
    • Attributes derived from reference tables that link to the person via their postcode on their UCAS application form
    UCAS Progression reports UKMED
    VW_UKMED_PERSON_FULL VW_UKMED_PERSON_FULL contains attributes that are considered to be about a PERSON, but particularly related to those for whom we hold student information from external data sources.

    HESA and UKCAT data are used to derive student attributes.

    In both HESA and UKCAT, many rows can occur with the same (or differing) attributes; therefore, logic has been applied in order to select the best value. As follows:


    The following values are taken from the earliest available Instance:


    The following values are taken from the latest available Instance:



    NOTE: For columns labelled UKCAT_* – where a person has done more than one UKCAT test registration, values are taken from the earliest available test registration.

    Data that are derived from a person’s postcode such as IMD quintiles have been moved to the UKMED_GEOGRAPHY table.

    Protected characteristics are collected from HESA and the GMC’s Siebel system. If a doctor states they do not wish to declare their given protected characteristic, such as ethnicity or religion to the GMC we do not include the given HESA value if the Doctor had declared it whilst a student.

    GMC, HESA, UCAS, UCAT Progression reports UKMED

    This table contain data from:

    • ESR – Electronic Staffing Records - updated weekly
    • PCIS – Primary Care Information System, has been replaced by data from Primary Care Support England (PCSE) - updated weekly
    • SWISS – Scottish Workforce Information Standard System - updated monthly
    • Scottish primary care data – one off load

    Northern Ireland Business Services Organisation. Note that very little data are available from Northern Ireland. Data has not been refreshed recently.

    There is one row per instance of practice history – i.e. employment episode.

    Collection of these data started in 2012 and therefore even if assignment start dates are prior to 2012, the data do not provide a complete picture as assignments with similar start dates that ended before 2012 are not present in the table.

    One record should be provided for every ‘assignment’ that the doctor has with a given employer. An assignment should be uniquely defined as the combination of the following data items:

    • GMC Reference Number (Doctor UID)
    • Site code
    • Employing (or Parent) Organisation Code
    • Employment start date
    Various systems, collected by the GMC for revalidation purposes. UKMED
    VW_UKMED_PRACTICEHISTORY_FLAT This table contains flattened version of the data contained in VW_UKMED_PRACTICEHISTORY, with one row per person and columns per instance of practice history/employment episode D1 through to D45, where D1 is the first instance. GMC UKMED
    VW_UKMED_REGHISTORY This table details doctor's registration status. GMC UKMED
    VW_UKMED_REGHISTORY_FLAT This table contains flattened version of the data contained in VW_UKMED_REGHISTORY, with one row per person and columns for each instance of registration D1 through to D20, where D1 is the first instance. GMC UKMED
    VW_UKMED_SPECIALTIES Contains data from:

    SPECIALITIES - entries to the specialist. This contains data that is found on the publicly available list of medical practitioners here. To guard against re-identification of cases, dates are set to year only.

    PERSON which contains information on GP register entries.

    It contains one row per specialist register entry, so more than one row per doctor is possible.

    WD_ACCEPT_CANADA Flag if the medical school is one that Canada accepts as being a valid qualification for application when applying to work in medicine in Canada. WDOMS UKMED
    WD_COUNTRY This table provides information for each country that contains a school listed in the World Directory. WDOMS UKMED
    WD_PROGRAM This table contains a row for each medical program or track offered by medical schools. One program may be sponsored by multiple schools, and one school may offer several medical programs. WDOMS UKMED
    WD_SCHOOL This main table contains one row for each school listed in the World Directory and each parent school (university) with which medical schools may be affiliated. WDOMS UKMED
    WD_SCHOOL_AFFILIATION This table maps parent-child school relationships, usually representing medical schools and their parent universities. WDOMS UKMED
    WD_SCHOOL_ALTNAME This table contains alternate names by which a school has been known, whether that name is historical or a current variation in language, spelling, or format. WDOMS UKMED
    WD_SCHOOL_CONTACT_INFO This table contains phone numbers, fax numbers, and email addresses for schools. Schools may have multiple records for each type. WDOMS UKMED
    WD_SCHOOL_PROGRAM This table maps associations between schools (see School.csv) and their various medical programs (see Program.csv). One school may have many programs, and one program may be sponsored by more than one school. WDOMS UKMED
    WD_SCHOOL_URL School websites are stored in this table. Schools may have multiple records, usually representing websites in different languages. WDOMS UKMED